This guide will show you how to install a switchless region mod into a VA9 Sega Saturn console to make it multi-region with independent 50/60Hz video switching.
Mod Pinout

Solder Map
Sega Saturn – 171-7291C / VA9 / PAL

Region & Video Rate Jumpers
50/60Hz Video Rate Switching
On the VA9 Saturn, JP1/JP2, VDP2 Pin 79, RGB Encoder Pin 7, and PLL Pin 1 are all connected together.

If just doing a simple region mod without a DFO, PLL Pin 1 will need isolating from the video rate switching. This can be done by cutting the trace between VDP2 Pin 79 and PLL Pin 1, or by lifting PLL Pin 1.
To change the system between 50 and 60 hertz this will need a switching connection as is standard when this mod is installed.
This will need a permanent connection to Ground for PAL systems, +5V for NTSC systems, or a switching connection for consoles with a DFO.
For PAL consoles the pin can be lifted or the trace cut and the pin will internally ground itself. For NTSC systems the pin will need lifting and wiring to +5V. If using a DFO pin 1 needs to remain connected to the whole video system.
Mod Connections
VID Pad/Pin to the via next to VDP2 PIN 79, VDP2 PIN 79 itself, or to the common pair of JP1/2.
JP6 Pad/Pin to the SEGA 315-5744 PIN 5 or to the common pair of JP6/7.
JP10 Pad/Pin to the SEGA 315-5744 PIN 7 or to the common pair of JP10/11.
JP12 Pad/Pin to the SEGA 315-5744 PIN 8 or to the common pair of JP12/13.
RB is Reset Button and needs wiring to the floating side of the switch at the switch side of the reset trace cut.
RL is Reset Line and needs wiring to any point after the reset line trace cut.