Sega Master System Model 2 FM Sound Module Adapter

(1 customer review)


Mod Kit Includes:

  • 1 x Sega Master System 2 FM Sound Module Adapter board


  • Allows Tim Worthington’s FM Sound Module to work with model 2 Master System consoles
  • Castellated vias to reduce the chance of shorts
  • HASL finish to keep with the aesthetics of the Master System (ENIG would just look wrong)

Tim Worthington’s Sega Master System FM Sound Module can be found here

5 in stock

SKU: KIT-SMS2-FMSMA Categories: , ,


Sega Master System Model 2 FM Sound Module Adapter

Sega Master System model 2 FM sound module adapter allows Tim Worthington’s FM Sound Module to be used with a Master System model 2.

The PCB solders to the underside of the cartridge port and allows the FM Sound Module to connect as it would on a Master System model 1.

Even though this is a bare PCB I will need to price it higher than my usual low prices in order to recoup my initial cost. It took weeks to design and the cost of the PCBs with castellated vias including all the shipping and import duty was not cheap and I don’t think there will be much interest in them. Designing and buying something like this is very high risk and recouping my cost will be difficult, but I do it for the love of the consoles and the love of designing something new.

Quick Install Notes

Before installing push the adapter into the FM Sound Module slot a few times to loosen up the slot. This will make pushing on the FM Sound Module much easier once the adapter is installed.

Make sure to solder the adapter in place the correct way up. See text ‘FACE DOWN AGAINST CONSOLE’ on the adapter.

The FM Sound Module can only be placed on the adapter when the motherboard is removed from the case.

A small section will need cutting from the bottom RF shield to allow the FM Sound Module Adapter to sit at the side of the mainboard. A good pair of tin snips will be needed to do this.

Additional information

Weight 0.010 g
Product Type

Mod Kit

Console Make


Console Model

Master System

Mod Attribute

FM Sound Support, Quick Solder Board

Designed by

Consoles Unleashed

Product Credits

Designed by Consoles Unleashed.

1 review for Sega Master System Model 2 FM Sound Module Adapter

  1. Jeff S

    I just installed this with the Tim Worthington sound mod. It works great! Thank you so much for offering this great adapter for the SMS 2!!

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