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Sega Mega Drive Switchless Region, In-Game-Reset & Dual Frequency Oscillator Mod Kit

(3 customer reviews)


Mod Kit Includes:

  • 1 x Mega Drive Switchless Region / In-Game-Reset / DFO Mod-board
  • 1 x Mega Drive LED board
  • 1 x Kingbright ‘Red (Yellow) Green’ LED
  • Pre-wired JST connector


  • Makes the console multi region (region free)
  • Change regions or reset using the control pad
  • 50/60Hz video rate selection for full speed, full screen gaming
  • English / Japanese language selection (dependent on game)
  • Accurate clock and colour in all regions
  • Mega CD MultiBIOS support
  • Works with both active high and active low reset

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SKU: KIT-SMD-RIGRDFO Categories: , ,


Sega Mega Drive Switchless Region, In-Game-Reset & Dual Frequency Oscillator

Another first. A fully featured switchless region and dual frequency oscillator mod kit for Sega Mega Drive model 1 consoles. Everything that makes my popular switchless region & in-game-reset kit the best of its kind is replicated here with the addition of a Dual Frequency Oscillator. Feature rich and a pleasure to install. It features pad placement conducive to perfect wire runs and a clean install, a unique detachable LED board that prevents the LED install from looking like a hot glue mess, switchless multi region, controller functions for reset and region change, accurate clock frequencies and composite colour in all regions, and Mega CD MultiBIOS compatibility. Hand made using the highest quality Panasonic resistors, Vishay capacitors, and genuine Texas Instruments and Microchip ICs.

Mod Kit Variations

Type 1 and Type 2 variations are now discontinued. They have been replaced by a single design that will fit neatly into the two main Mega Drive 1 motherboard layouts.

There are two types available. They are both functionally the same and can be used interchangeably, only the form factor is different,

Type 1 Horizontal which will fit neatly into a VA1 to VA4 Mega Drive mainboard revision, or any others that follow the same form factor.

Type 2 Vertical which will fit neatly into VA5 to VA6 Mega Drive mainboard revision, or any others that follow the same form factor. A capacitor at C111 will need relocating to the underside of the mainboard when installing this version in the intended space. However you can also place the modboard anywhere you prefer.

Includes the following mods:

Switchless Region Mod

The Mega Drive Switchless Region Mod lets you set the region of the console to Europe, North America or Japan, essentially between PAL and NTSC regions. This is done by changing the Video Refresh Rate to 50Hz or 60Hz and the Language to English or Japanese.

When the mod is correctly installed, the console will run games in their correct aspect ratio and speed and bypass any region protection of imported games.

The reset button is used to cycle through the regions.

  • Setting 1 = Green LED – Europe/PAL – 50Hz/English
  • Setting 2 = Red LED – North America/NTSC – 60Hz/English
  • Setting 3 = Yellow LED – Japan/NTSC – 60Hz/Japanese

If you are running your PAL systems in 50Hz, you are really doing the games a great disservice. I consider these switchless mods necessary for PAL consoles.

In-Game-Reset Mod

The Mega Drive In-Game-Reset mod allows the console to be reset or the console region to be changed from the controller.

Holding A+B+C+START for 1.5 seconds will reset the console. Holding this combination longer will cycle through the regions.

Dual Frequency Oscillator (DFO)

Dual Frequency Oscillator (DFO) is designed to switch the video refresh rate between more accurate and stable 50Hz and 60Hz to match that of real NTSC and PAL consoles as compared to running region modified consoles in non-native video refresh rates.

On the Sega Mega Drive the DFO will also change the colour sub-carrier for forced region colour over composite and RF, but this requires a TV that has both PAL and NTSC colour modes.